Depending upon whether the preferred stock is cumulative or non-cumulative, even preferred shareholders may not be sure of receiving dividend payments on a regular basis. 优先股股东并不确定会收到固定的优先股股息,可能是累积股息或非累积股息。以本金和不断累计的利息为基数计算利息。
The preferred stock in that deal paid a 10 per cent dividend. 交易中涉及的摩根士丹利优先股支付10%的红利。
If all or any part of the regular dividend on the preferred stock is omitted in a given year, the amount omitted is said to be in arrears and must be paid in a subsequent year before any dividend can be paid on the common stock. 如果在某年优先股的正常股利全部或部分未付,未付金额称为拖欠股利,并需在以后年度支付普通股股利之前优先支付。
Preferred stock, however, is usually I ued with the promise of a regular dividend. 可是,公司通常会对优先股发放固定的股息。
Any shares of preferred stock so issued would have priority over the common stock with respect to dividend or liquidation rights. 任何这样发行的优先股在股息和清算权上都对于普通股具有优先权。
The preferred stock carries a 10 percent dividend. 这批优先股股息为10%。
Preferred stock has three features: steady dividend, stock financing and no voting power. 优先股票具有三大特点:稳定的股息、股权融资、无表决权。